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Will cats share a litter tray?

Whether or not cats will share a litter tray depends on several factors, including the individual personalities of the cats, the relationship between them, the availability of multiple litter boxes, and the cleanliness of the trays.

Some cats may be perfectly fine sharing a litter box, especially if they are from the same litter, have been raised together, or are very social with each other. However, other cats may prefer to have their own space and may become stressed or territorial if forced to share a litter box.

It's generally recommended to have one litter box per cat, plus an extra one, to ensure that each cat has enough space and privacy. This also helps prevent territorial disputes and reduces the chances of litter box-related stress or inappropriate elimination behavior.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of the litter boxes are essential to keep cats happy and encourage them to use the trays. Cats are generally clean animals and may avoid a dirty litter box, leading to potential issues if they have to share an unclean space.

Give your feline friends the best litter experience by using OLUV Natural cat litter made only from the pit of the olive. Sustainably produced and biodegradable when disposed of!

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